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Founded in 1995. Recognized for its innovative vocabulary in the movement. The gesture is its voice, the epicenter of interests, aesthetic, corporal, intellectual experiments between Life and Art.


A sheet music with a detailed gesture, built in detail, creating solid, spiraling choreographic structures, inscribed on the peformers´ bodies. Narrative transfigured by the desire for poetics, for a non-literal dance. These concentrate, subvert the space in an intimate dramaturgy, which speaks of the human.


It celebrates a powerful intersection with Brazilian culture, visual arts, texts, music, collaborative experiences with virtual culture, opera, photography and performance art, expanding dimensions of knowledge in the language worked.


Milhazes conceives, develops and directs all stages of research and assembly. In the body of collaborators, performers, dance artists, coming from different backgrounds, who wish to investigate, practice the proposed language, as life, capable of transforming the demanding tasks of the physical / emotional / intellectual order, into a pulsating and poetic human experience.

Beatriz Milhazes, sister, artist, internationally renowned, proposes striking visual elements, not scenarios. These will add, transcend a field of perceptions in the choreographic work and scenic space. Glauce Milhazes, mother, directs stage and light design.

Education projects; seminar "O Corpo na Arte Contemporânea", a panel discussion on the cross arts and audience formation, with technical and theoretical workshops. Accessing a public without restricion of age, social, cultural and special area. The works are staged in theaters rooms / foyers, museum spaces and art galleries.


Productions that access the sensitive, enhance manifestations of being and thinking about the meaning of life as a transforming possibility in its communication with society.

In 2024 we announced the opening of "Casa da Companhia", located at Rua Vinicius de Moraes 80/201, Ipanema, Rio de Janeiro-RJ, the Dance Company´s official artistic residency location. A space for artistic reflection, with residencies, lectures, workshops and courses related to art.

Tournée profile - 4 people:

2 interpreters
Stage Director / Light designer
1 technician (optional)

Escale / space

Medium / large scale

Desired scene area 10m X 10m

""Milhazes scares, with a master's hand over her choreographic work, combining sophistication and refinement with a rigor that explodes in all dimensions"

Helena Katz - Dance Critic, Estado de São Paulo

"Marcia and Beatriz create dialogues between bodies, between choreography [...] and painting. The dance of loving intimacy converts dancers into sculptures, loving masses driven by desire. [...] The scenarios by Beatriz have complex choreographic functions [...] she accentuates the romantic and refined atmosphere of Marcia's dance."

Paulo Herkenhoff, Curator and Art Critic 

© 1995 - 2020 Marcia Milhazes Companhia de Dança Ltda. Website Design - Dom Salvatore

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