current works
current works
Yuka Shimizu - by Camilo Pioli
Ana Amelia Viana e Domenico Salvatore / Photo by Camilo Pioli
Ana Amelia Viana / Photo by Camilo Pioli
Yuka Shimizu - by Camilo Pioli
paz e amor
The world is confronted with a demanding, uncertain moment, caused by Covid 19. We present two solos that communicate and wish to speak of an internal, invisible place, love. APCA (São Paulo Art Critics) 2020 award nomination in CREATION category.
PAZ E AMOR - Ana Amélia Vianna, Domenico Salvatore
PAZ E AMOR - Ana Amélia Vianna, Domenico Salvatore - by Alexandre Maia
PAZ E AMOR - Domenico Salvatore - by Alexandre Maia
PAZ E AMOR - Ana Amélia Vianna, Domenico Salvatore
paz e amor
The world is confronted with a demanding, uncertain moment, caused by Covid 19. We present two solos that communicate and wish to speak of an internal, invisible place, love. APCA (São Paulo Art Critics) 2020 award nomination in CREATION category.
NOVA CRIAÇÃO - Ana Amélia Vianna, Domenico Salvatore - by Marcia Milhazes
NOVA CRIAÇÃO - Ana Amélia Vianna, Domenico Salvatore - by Marcia Milhazes
NOVA CRIAÇÃO - Ana Amélia Vianna, Domenico Salvatore - by Marcia Milhazes
NOVA CRIAÇÃO - Ana Amélia Vianna, Domenico Salvatore - by Marcia Milhazes
Third and last part of the trilogy on literary universe of love letters.
Second part of love letters trilogy. Based on a couple memories and inner confidences. Letters-Bodies.
MEU QUERIDO - Domenico Salvatore - by John C.M.
MEU QUERIDO - Domenico Salvatore - by John C.M.
MEU QUERIDO - Domenico Salvatore - by John C.M.
MEU QUERIDO - Domenico Salvatore - by John C.M.
meu querido
Story of a man submerged on his own subjective experience.
spatial concept Gamboa II / BESOURO
Performance / Spatial Concept Gamboa II Rio Azul exhibition, by international renowned visual artist Beatriz Milhazes. White Cube Gallery - Bermondsey - London in 2018.
“Milhazes uses all the body´s windows to shout the emotional dramaturgy, making it clear that what is being unveiled is the human"
Celso Curi - Playwright and Theater Director, São Paulo
“ “[...] simplicity built on an extremely strong sophistication [...] Unlike anything that is done in Dance today."
Cassia Navas - Researcher/Professor/Dance Critic UNICAMP, São Paulo